New Plan

Mission statement :
                                                    "Our mission is to create a better customer experience by giving you the best innovative technology and become the market leader with our ethical customer services and ICT."

Organization description:

                                    Huawei is a network and telecommunication services company known for its quality products and services. Huawei has grown from a small switching company in China to a multi billion dollar multinational corporation with its presence all over the world enriching the world of telecommunication with its innovative ITC solutions. Huawei holds more than 17,765 patents and have recorded revenue of US$28 billion operating with more than 110,000 employees. Our innovations have helped the network and telecom industry grow leaps and bounds. Huawei serves 45 of the top 50 global telecom giants. Business weekly magazine on May 2007 has included Huawei in the top 200 “Most trusted company “list. Forbes Magazine December 2008 has included Huawei in the list of “Most influential company “As of October, 2010, Huawei was ranked No.1 in the world of LTE among all its vendors. Our goal is to provide intelligent, cost effective ITC solutions thereby improving the lives of our customers with innovative technology.

Company's Image:

Huawei has always been a pioneer of innovation. They have a good base in Research and Development , almost 48% of the employees are involved in research. Customer demand is the fundamental driving force of our developing High quality, excellent service, low operating costs product.We also give top priority to meeting customer requirements to enhance their competitiveness and profitability by continuously performing management transformation to realize efficient process-based organization operation for ensuring high quality end-to-end delivery.Huawei's telecom solutions have been deployed throughout Europe for operators and customers including BT, Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone, France Telecom/Orange (FT), Telefónica O2, Telecom Italia, Swisscom, Telenor, TeliaSonera, and KPN. Huawei has established itself all around the world as a a quality provider of ICT solutions to telecom and networking organizations.CSR plays a vital role in the new Huawei.
  • Huawei applied its professional ICT experience to help bridge the digital divide. In 2010, Huawei donated telecom lab equipment worth USD 1 million to three national universities in Ghana.providing opportunities for the students to apply what they learn in the classroom to practical situations.

  • To promote the development of the global low-carbon economy, Huawei signed the Voluntary Green Agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, promising to reduce the average energy consumption (AEC) per unit business volume of shipments by 35 percent of 2009 levels before the end of 2012. Huawei's total shipment of products in green packaging exceeded 40,000 pieces in 2010, resulting in a reduction of annual timber usage by 6,100 cubic meters and carbon emissions by 12,000 tons. 

  •  Huawei pays ongoing attention to improving the CSR of its suppliers and partners. In 2010, Huawei held its second CSR training conference for its global suppliers. The leaders of over 170 global suppliers and partners, as well as representatives of world-renowned operators, such as British Telecom, Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and France Telecom, attended the conference.

  • Huawei continues to improve its employee welfare system in order to fully enable the development of its employees. In 2010, Huawei spent a total of CNY 1.97 billion on employee welfare. Huawei also continues to focus especially on the career growth and development of its female employees. Huawei's R&D department held the first female development conference on “growth, progress, and excellence.”

  •  Huawei actively contributes to the development of communities where it operates. The company is committed to efforts and actions that enable it to make positive contributions to welfare, education, disaster relief and environmental protection in local communities. In 2010, Huawei contributed USD 1.055 million in cash to flood-stricken countries, such as Venezuela, Columbia, Mexico, and Vietnam, to help local residents with disaster relief. After the 2010 earthquake in Qinghai’s Yushu County, Huawei employees voluntarily contributed nearly CNY 6 million in direct funds in addition to necessary materials through the company's Charity Association to help in the reconstruction of Yushu

  • Short Term Objective :
    • Huawei's 2011 vision: tablets, apps and the cloud
    • Huawei’s New Strategy in 2011: Focus on New Opportunities
    • Huawei bumps up 2011 smartphone sales target from 12 to 15 million units to 20 million. 
    • Huawei's goal: Be a Top 5 vendor in three year

  • Long Term Objectives
    • US$ 100 billion dollars.
    • Be the leader in smart phone market
    • Green Communication
    • Narrowing digital divide
    • Decrease carbon emission by 5% annually.


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